Know About Loan Repayment Astrologer From The Best Astrologer in Kolkata

Loan Repayment Astrology October 2nd, 2024

Know About Loan Repayment Astrologer From The Best Astrologer in Kolkata

According to his horoscope, the native is baffled at this point and wants to know how to clear his heavy debt load – said the best astrologer in Kolkata.This analysis is based on the given DOB 27-6-1968 at 2:01 AM in Bombay or Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and on KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.




As an astrologer, I would like to inform the native that no astrological remedy can clear off a heavy loan. Then, all astrologers would have helped themselves by taking heavy loans from banks and repaying them by doing totkas to get rid of the loans and remedies. I’m laughing.


It’s important to understand that a native can only be relieved of his heavy loan through self-realization and doing the right karma. This empowers the individual, putting them in control of their financial destiny.


Astrology serves as a tool to understand one’s future destiny and fate. By using it to minimize the adverse effects of malefic planets, a native can plan the actions they need to take in the future, thereby taking control of their destiny.


It’s important to reiterate that there are no ready-made remedies to financial problems – said the best astrologer in Kolkata. Understanding astrology predictions and acting accordingly are also remedies. This reassures the reader and sets realistic expectations.


This horoscope shows mesh lagna / aries ascendant with Saturn in the 1st house, mercury, sun, Venus, Mars, and Moon in the 3rd house, Jupiter in the 5th house, ketu in the 6th house, and Rahu located in the 12th house.


The moon located in purarvasu nakshatra in Mithun rashi / moon in Gemini sign, and the ruling mahadas is ketu. After 01-10-2024, Venus will be ruling.




To learn about loan repayment, one must study the 12th cuspal sublord. The study of the mahadasa will tell us how the lord affects the natives during its ruling period and how it impacts repayments.




According to the horoscope, Rahu is the 12th cuspal sublord, representing the 5, 9 and 12th houses on the planet level; Mercury, 2,3 and 6th houses on the nakshatra level; and the sun vigorously represents the 3rd house on the sublord level.


The current mahadasa is Ketu, which represents the 1,2,3 and 8th house in the planet level; the moon represents the 3,4 and 5th house in the nakshatra level, and Venus strongly represents the 2,3 and 7th house in the sublord level.


The conjunction of Venus and Mars signifies the 1,3 and 8th houses – said the famous astrologer in Kolkata.


In conjunction with the sun, Venus represents the 3rd house.


As the upcoming mahadasa, Venus represents the 2, 3 and 7th house in the planet level, Rahu represents the 5,9 and 12th house in the nakshatra level, and Mercury represents the 2,3 and 6th house in the sublord level.




Based on the analysis, the native can repay his heavy loan in small installments and, through communication, can resolve the situation, even if the money-taker party creates mental tension and pressure. However, the native has much practice in handling such pressure.


In 2024, the native will have a clear picture of his loan repayment and be able to plan accordingly, as he will have a clear understanding of his fund flow, so he will be able to prepare well and make a commitment to the party, which will not go wrong as it is right now.


The native should not make significant commitments as the plan and forecast are not coming true – said the genuine astrologer in Kolkata.



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