As a lady facing hurdles and her marriage not materializing, she asked this question – shared by the best astrologer in Kolkata.
According to Vedic astrology, marriage prediction by date of birth can answer your questions, such as when I will get married, why my marriage gets delayed, at what age I will get married, and whether I will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage.
Planning your future actions with this guidance is very helpful – said the most famous astrologer in Kolkata.
A native with Vrishabha Lagna/Taurus ascendant has Mars and Ketu in the 6th house, Saturn in the 7th house, mercury in the 8th house, Venus, Jupiter, and the sun in the 9th house, moon in the 11th house, and Rahu in 12th house.
Moon is in Revati nakshatra in the meena rashi / Pisces zodiac. Sun is currently running mahadasa lord – said the best marriage matchmaker in Kolkata.
Examining the 7th cuspal sublord is essential when analyzing marriage in a horoscope. If the horoscope indicates a potential for marriage, the mahadasa lord should be studied to determine its impact on the native and the event’s timing. The 7th cuspal sublord must signify the 7th, 2nd, 5th, and 11th houses. These represent marriage, family, growth of family members, love and romance, and wish fulfillment, respectively.
Horoscope analysis for the 7th house – Shared by the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
Rahu is the 7th cuspal sublord, which signifies the 6,7,11,12th houses on the planet level, the 1,5,6,7,8 and 12th houses on the nakshatra level, and the 2,5 and 8th houses on the sublord level.
Analyses of Mahadasa
The current mahadasa, which began on 27-09-2016 and will end on 26-09-2022, is ruled by the sun. The sun’s aspects and conjunctions with other planets, such as Saturn and Venus, play a significant role in determining the timing of the marriage event.
Sun aspects Saturn from the 7th house and is in conjunction with Jupiter and Venus. Since the latitude degree difference between the sun and Jupiter is greater, the conjunction between the sun and Jupiter is not considered.
Considering that the latitude degree difference between the sun and Venus is within 8 degrees, the conjunction between the sun and Venus will also result in the signification of the 1,6th and 8th house of Venus.
Aside from its meanings, the sun will also signify the 3, 1, 6 and 8th houses.
As the sun is in its nakshatra, it strongly represents the 4th and 8th house on planet level, the 6,9th and 10th house on the next level, and the 2,5th and 8th house on sublord level.
In this case, the sun mahadasa strongly indicates the 4th and 8th houses, and in the nakshatra level, the 6th house. These are the houses that negate the event’s occurrence.
As the mahadasa lord planet does not show the marriage taking place during its ruling period, the marriage will not take place despite the promise of marriage in the horoscope.
Moon will be the next mahadasa from 27-09-2022 to 26-09-2032 – shared by the best astrologer in South Kolkata.
As the moon is untenanted at the planet level, it strongly represents three and 11th houses, 2,5 and 8th houses at the Nakshatra level, and 8,9 and 11th houses at the sublord level.
According to the moon mahadasa, the 11th house considered the house of wishes, represents the houses necessary to qualify for marriage.
Similarly, it qualifies for the marriage event at the nakshatra level as in the 2nd and 5th houses. The 11th house also qualifies for the marriage event at the sublord level. Until the native gets married, the 8th house will keep creating worries in her mind, but it will not ruin the event.
A comprehensive horoscope analysis has been conducted to determine the timing of your marriage.
According to the analysis, the native will face many hurdles in getting married since a few planets do not support the event. Saturn in the 7th house generally causes marriage problems.
It will take the native a long time to get married said the best astrologer in Kolkata.
The current mahadasa period lord, namely the sun, does not support this event. So, we must disregard the sun mahadas period to determine the delivery of the event.
The Moon Mahadasa is set to support the marriage event, with a potential timeframe between 27-12-2026 and 27-7-2028 (within one and a half years).
With the guidance of the best astrologer in Kolkata, the native can look forward to a bright future. The moon mahadasa, which will support the marriage event, is a promising sign. The astrologer wishes the natives all the best for their future.
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