Is Divorce in My Chart?
As per Vedic astrology of her horoscope, the native is suffering a lot with her in-laws, and her husband is not supporting her; on the contrary, he supports his mother, so she wants to know if the relationship will improve or if she will have to take divorce.
Astrology of divorce based on the given DOB – as analysed by the best astrologer in Kolkata.
Based on the given DOB 30-7-1987 at 7:05 AM located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, Vedic astrology paddhati / system is applied.
In the erected horoscope, the moon is in the 1st house, ketu located in the 2nd house, Saturn in the 4th house, Rahu in the 8th house, Jupiter in the 9th house, mercury in the 11th house, and VenusVenus Mars and the sun in the 12th house.
In the current mahadasa, the moon is located in uttarphalguni in simha rashi/moon in the Leo sign – said the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
Studying the 8th and 7th cuspal sub lord will help one learn about the relationship with in-laws and marriage. The ruling mahadasa should also be studied to understand how the lord impacts its ruling period and how it affects her marriage relationship, relationship with her in-laws, and relationship with her husband during its verdict period.
In the horoscope, the 7th cuspal sublord is Venus, strongly indicating the 10th and 12th house as it is untenanted on the planet level. Saturn indicates 4,6,7, and 8th houses on the Nakshatra level, and mercury indicates three 11th houses on the sublord level.
The conjunction of Venus with the sun signifies the 1st, 2nd and 12th houses – said the best astrologer in Kolkata.
Venus is the 8th cuspal sublord, and the analysis is already complete.
It is strongly indicated that the divorce will occur by the 7th cuspal sublord (house of marriage).
6th is the 12th house of the 7th house, which is the house of separation
During that time, the 8th house represents pain and agony.
For the native, the 12th house represents separation.
At present, Rahu represents the 5,8, and 9th houses as it is untenanted at planet level, Saturn represents the 4,6,7, and 8th houses at nakshatra level, and Venus represents the 10th and 12th houses as it is untenanted at sublord level.
Mahadasa also strongly signifies 6,8 and 12th houses, which means that the period will give the native with pain the impression of separation – said the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
Furthermore, the relationship with the in-laws is not likely to improve as the 6,8, and 12th house significations do not indicate improvement.
Predictions for divorce based on astrology
According to the analysis, the native had no support from the planets to improve her relationship with the in-laws, so she had to do positive free will karma to improve it.
Astrology’s interpretation of divorce and separation
She needs to work hard on her free will karma to tune her marriage relationship; otherwise, it will result in separation.
The destiny of the horoscope that shows separation, and many factors are involved. It will be incorrect to say that all the faults are the fault of the in-laws, and the native is not at fault for the relationship problems. The native is not in a stage of learning to learn from past mistakes and not repeating them, but it always leads to success.
One can determine the promise of divorce in one’s destiny from one’s horoscope in the case of divorce since both spouses are involved in the event.
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