When Will A Person Get a Job – Know From the Genuine Astrologer in Kolkata

Job Astrology October 10th, 2024

When Will A Person Get a Job – Know From the Genuine Astrologer in Kolkata

How long will it take me to get a job in astrology?


In this case study, a native who has been jobless for quite some time wants to know when he will get a new job and if he will get a government job, according to astrology.


According to KP astrology, the analysis is based on the birth details of 17-11-1992 at 8:17 AM in Chandigarh, India – said the most genuine astrologer in Kolkata.


The Vedic horoscope shows brush lagna / scorpion ascendant, sun, mercury, and Rahu in 1st house, VenusVenus in 2nd house, Saturn in the 3rd house, 7th house contains Ketu, mars and moon in the 9th house, Jupiter in the 11th house.


Aslesha Nakshatra is in karkat rashi / cancer moon sign, and venus mahadasa runs from 12-5-2004 to 11-5-2024.


According to the Vedic horoscope, the sun, mercury and Rahu are in the first house, and Mars and the Moon are in the ninth. Since they have less longitudinal distance, they cannot be considered conjunction planets. In other words, the sun, mercury and Rahu are not in conjunction, and each planet contributes its signifying house.




Studying a job or service requires studying the 6th cuspal sublord, and studying a profession requires studying the 10th cuspal sublord – said the best astrologer in Kolkata.


In the horoscope, the 6th cuspal sublord is Ketu, signifying the 1,2,4,7,8,10,11 and 12th houses in planet level, Mars – the 1,5,6 and 8th houses in nakshatra level, and Saturn – the two and 3rd houses in sublord level.


Rahu is the 10th cuspal sublord and signifies the 1, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12th houses as its unanchored in the planet level, mercury represents the 8, 10 and 12th house in the nakshatra level, and Saturn represents the two and 3rd houses in the sublord level.


Mercury is the current mahadasa lord and represents 1,7,11,12th houses as it is untenanted at planet level. Ketu represents 1,2,4,7,8,10,11, and 12th houses in the nakshatra level, while Saturn represents the two and 3rd houses in the sublord level.




It is evident from the analysis that the native’s Vedic horoscope promises a job, but it won’t be a smooth ride. As the 5th and 8th house of the nakshatra creates instability and a tense, worry-filled environment in her working arena, the native is prone to leave the job and seek another position. This will result in a gap between jobs and multiple job changes, which is a fixed destiny for her.


The 6th cuspal sublord should be connected with the sun at its signifying level to qualify for a government job. Here, its absence indicates that destiny does not favour the native in question for a government job – said the top famous astrologer in Kolkata.


The current mahadasa of Venus is displaying a blend of positive and negative effects. Both the 12th house in the planetary and nakshatra levels and the 8th house in the nakshatra level indicate obstacles in significant events. This may cause a mix of uplifting and concerning situations to arise suddenly. However, most planets do not support job-related events, making their antardasa periods unhelpful. According to astrological predictions, this leads to delays and challenges in finding employment.




Currently, what is happening is venus mahadas, mercury antardasa, and mercury pratiantardasa. Mercury antardasa is from 12-5-2020 through 12-3-2023.


Mercury represents the 8, 10 and 12th houses on the planet level, Saturn represents the 2nd and 3rd houses on the nakshatra level, and the moon represents the 9th house on the sublord level.


Mercury is the planet that is supporting the event, but not very strongly, so mercury pratiantardasa will not produce the event, and so we need to analyze the next pratiantardasa period and its ketu.


Ketu represents 1,2,4,7,8,10,11, and 12th houses in planet level and also has aspects from Venus – 1,7,11 and 12th houses, Mars – 1,5,6 and 8th houses in nakshatra level, and Saturn – 2 and 3rd houses in sublord level.


Ketu cannot give a job event at the nakshatra level since the 5th and 8th houses negate it. Venus will give a job event in the next pratiantardasa period.


At the planet level, Venus rules the 1,7,11 and 12th houses, Ketu rules the 1,2,4,7,8,10,11 and 12th houses in the nakshatra level, and Saturn rules the two and 3rd houses in the sublord level.




As Venus is untenanted, it signifies the 11th house of fulfillment of wishes, and also, in nakshatra, it means the 2,10 and 11th houses of job events. The Venus pratiantardasa is from 5-12-2020 to 25-5-2021.


Therefore, it is now confirmed that the native will get a job during the above-stated period. The panadasa period, which works under pratiantardasa, should be examined for a more accurate period.


A break in employment is expected to occur in 2021. The native also considers doing something independently as she loves freedom at work. She is currently working on many ideas but has not yet resolved anything – said the good astrologer in Kolkata.



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